Everything you never wanted to know about those big ol' greazies, Toronto's The Hollers.
Raf Coleman: The leader of the group, chief tune-scratcher, lead vocalizationer and Rhythm guitar mangler. Raf scribbles the schedules, handles the details, pays the bills and collects the dues (but not the tab). Raf is a Baltimore native, but is proud to be Canadian. Raf is also an avid collecter of broken turntables, broken records, and broken hearts.
Country Paul: That upfront single-plectrum attack you hear when The Hollers don't sing is Paul; dishing out lead guitar when let off the leash. Paul sings backup and steps up to plate to croon the odd tune when Raf's chops get achy. A mild-mannered mensch who speaks softly and carries a guitar built by Louisville. Fabulous keeps the rest of the boys in line.
Milwaukee Brian: Formerly of Milwaukee's Rust Belt Boys, Brian moved to Toronto to be with his loving wife (sorry gals) and, more importantly, to form the back bone of The Hollers . Brian puts the sticks to the drums, or anything else that comes in handy, makes the trains run on time and lungs it out on backups. You can't keep this good man down though, and while he's currently on shore leave, Brian likes to stand up when he plays. Even when it's not the national anthem.
Bongo Dave: Skulking at the bottom end is Dave, manipulizer of the four-course bass gut-fiddle. He also does backing vocals, knock-knock jokes, and sometimes gets full frontal to croon the even odder tune. Known to drop his pants on occasion out of pure excitement (or is it malice?).Dave was a member of Toronto's greatest Frat Rock band, The Whammies, and currently fronts the garage rock quartet known as Thee Midways.